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The Conscious Growth Convergence is a three-day transformative event co-produced by Conscious Growth and Reciprocity Music at Lost Valley Education Center.


For 2024, our theme is “Building Bridges of Reciprocity," representing our commitment to celebrate culture and support solidarity. In our current world disrupted by division and disconnection, we believe in the power of unity while embracing authenticity. Building bridges of reciprocity means honoring our differences, respecting diversity, and recognizing that we are stronger together through mutual support and interconnection. We invite you to be part of this transformative experience with live music performances, inspiring speakers, ecstatic dance, song and grief circles, permaculture workshops and more!

Join us as we celebrate Lost Valley Education Center's 35th anniversary with a collective vision to shift culture through community engagement, intentional action, and multicultural fusion. Together, we can embark on a journey of connection, healing, and conscious growth as we build bridges of reciprocity for a resilient future!

about the producers

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Conscious Growth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to shift culture by creating transformative events and regenerative projects that build community resilience. Coming to fruition in 2020, the organization has cultivated numerous experiences at grassroots community centers in Portland, Oregon. Now, Conscious Growth is putting down roots in Eugene, Oregon to connect deeper with the land, close the loop, and widen the circle.

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Reciprocity Music is a mission-driven booking and management agency curating change through intentional celebration and community action, providing a platform for artists whose work centers meaningful impact initiatives alongside dynamic musical offerings. Through intentional celebration, Reciprocity Music is leading the way to create alcohol-free spaces for dance, celebration, and connection. In all events and venues they work with, they're aim is to create intentional and inclusive spaces through regenerative action. Reciprocity Music supports channels for artists and audiences who wish support initiatives such as nature restoration, indigenous land back, education, and more.

about the venue

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 Lost Valley Education Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and intentional community land trust located in Dexter, Oregon. Since 1989, Lost Valley has been a place for experiential learning through holistic educational programs, community development, events and volunteer opportunities. Through a system inspired by Sociocracy, Lost Valley seeks to build a culture of inclusion, equity, non-violent communication, and authentic expression, while achieving the mission of providing affordable housing, education, and access to land for ecological living.

about the land


The producers of this event acknowledge that the Winefelly band of the Kalapuya nation once resided on the land we now occupy. We acknowledge Indigenous peoples experienced forced removal and genocide at the hands of European colonizers, and that these ripples of impact continue today. We are are working to integrate the immense complexity that is present in hosting this event on this land. We recognize that this acknowledgement is a small gesture, and the real work is in our everyday and direct action establishing reparative relationships with Indigenous communities. We urge you to find ways to contribute. You may reference this list of Indigenous led organizations -

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